Urinary Tract Infections
Most urinary tract infections (UTI) are caused by bacteria. Any part of your urinary tract can become infected. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Bladder and urethra infections are the most common. However, if left untreated, the infection can spread to your kidneys, which can cause serious consequences. Kidney infections usually require an antibiotic for a longer period of time and are sometimes treated in the hospital. Women have a higher risk of developing UTIs than men.
Urinary tract infections can be painful. Treatment for UTIs are typically antibiotics and usually the infection will not cease without them. It is vital to contact a doctor if you have a UTI to prevent the infection from spreading or getting worse.
Symptoms of a UTI:
- Strong, frequent urge to urinate
- Burning sensation during urination
- Pelvic pain (rectal pain in men)
- Blood in urine cloudy urine
- Passing frequent, small amounts of urine