Pérdida de peso

Unleash Your Potential with Our Weight Loss Program.

Si tienes obesidad o sobrepeso y buscas ayuda en tu camino hacia la gestión del peso, ¡la tirzepatida puede ayudarte!  

El Centro de Atención Urgente tiene múltiples ubicaciones donde puedes obtener la ayuda que necesitas en tu viaje de pérdida de peso.

weight loss

¿Cómo funciona?


Comienza con tu primera consulta e inyección. Tu consulta inicial consistirá en una evaluación, toma de signos vitales y establecimiento de metas de pérdida de peso.  This is a cost of $60 and is non-refundable.


Once you have come to the end of your vial, Its time to for a virtual re-evaluation. If you are continuing to lose weight, the provider will determine if it is time to go up on your dose. Each vial has a cost of $300, plus shipping. This is alongside a virtual visit cost of $60. Your dose usage will determine your pricing. 


Initial consultation

  • $60 (Non-refundable)

Monthly Evaluation

  • Virtual visit- $60 
  • Per Vial- $300 plus shipping

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How long should I be on tirzepatide?

We recommend that you complete at least 12 weeks of continuous treatment to achieve a level of weight loss that will positively impact your health.

¿Hay algún requisito?

Must be at least 18 years old and have a BMI of 25 or above.

¿Ofrecen planes de pago?

We offer a payment plan option through CareCredit since insurance coverage is not accepted.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de las inyecciones de tirzepatida?

Improved blood sugar control: tirzepatide has been shown to significantly lower blood sugar and HbA1c levels, leading to better diabetes management.

Reduced risk of complications: Studies have shown that tirzepatide can reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke in people with type 2 diabetes and existing heart disease.

Weight management: Many patients experience weight loss or decreased appetite while taking tirzepatide injections, which can further improve their health.

¿Qué tan rápido actúa la tirzepatida?

It typically takes about two weeks for tirzepatide to start working in the body. While taking tirzepatide, some people begin to see results within the first eight weeks, but most begin to see results within 4-12 weeks. Lifestyle changes can impact this timeframe

What is the BEST food to eat while taking trizepatide?

To maximize the benefits of the tirzepatide weight loss program, it is vital to incorporate nutrient dense foods from all major food groups like non starchy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, lean protein foods, and legumes into your meal plan while avoiding refined grains, fried foods, and sugary drinks.

¿Qué NO comer mientras se toma tirzepatida?

Avoid high glycemic index foods, ultra-processed foods, and high sugar foods and drinks because they can increase blood sugar.

Common Side Effects

Gastrointestinal & injection site reactions are the most frequent side effects, often occurring in the first few weeks, usually mild and improves over time.