Blood Pressure Testing

A blood pressure test measures the pressure in your arteries as your heart pumps. You might have a blood pressure test as a part of routine doctor’s appointment or as a screening for high blood pressure (hypertension). Many people, such as those with high blood pressure, do their own blood pressure tests at home so that they can better track their health.

You may have frequent blood pressure tests if you’ve been diagnosed with measures the pressure in your arteries as your heart pumps.

Why is it done?

Having a blood pressure test is a routine part of most medical appointments.

You should have a blood pressure test performed at least once every two years to screen for high blood pressure as a risk factor for heart disease and stroke, starting at age 18. Your doctor may recommend screening at a younger age if there are additional risk factors for developing heart disease, such as being overweight or having a family history of high blood pressure or heart disease. If you’ve already been diagnosed with high or low blood pressure, you should have blood pressure tests more frequently.

Even if your doctor doesn’t think you have high or low blood pressure as an ongoing condition, your blood pressure is important information for your doctor. It can provide information about your general health.

Your doctor may recommend that, in addition to regular blood pressure tests at a doctor’s office, you perform blood pressure tests at home. There are automated home blood pressure monitors that are easy to use.